Few days ago I made a post talking about how after fighting a 4 man squad alone the last 2 remaining decided to rather than fight me grab their friends loot and hide it. Well I found a duo that compared to them are the rat bosses. This players OgiNap and Rave0n were playing on shoreline I was doing my weekly task and once I was done I decided to go to some gunshoots that I heard and so I saw them, I engaged them killed 1 the other one hide grab he's friend gear and run away I tryed to kill him but he made it to the pier. Well Next time I see him he's literally with a red rebel no gear and I kill him. All their loot? Thrown to the water like the fucking rats they're. As you can see in the video there's a fully moded akm and a vpo and the helmet from the first guy what I think was a RYS was gone too. PATHETIC FUCKING RATS.

Posted on CategoriesDiscussion, Escape from Tarkov
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