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Recoil control IRL is very difficult

I see a lot of discussion about recoil and how it's excessive in the game. I was lucky enough to have shot a few rifles on full auto in 5.56 and 5.45 and some SMGs in pistol calibers.

Recoil is very controllable when you have a good stance at a range, bracing forward and anticipating the jump. For most experienced shooters with short 5-8 round bursts, you can land a pretty tight grouping at 10-15 yards. Very few occasions where you’ll mag dump and that'll of course kind of go everywhere. At 20-25 yards, even at the range in ideal conditions, your groupings really widen up if you're not bracing against something.

Now imagine shooting full auto while walking at a brisk pace on uneven terrain, nearly out of breath, bulky body armor, a rig with a few full mags, and a heavy pack on. Your body is completely out of balance and you are sweating profusely. You have mental fatigue, shakiness from repeated adrenaline surges, perhaps you've been shot and you have a target that shoots back.

People will point out that it's just a game and I completely agree with you that we're used to tight recoil control in other games. I don't agree with the choice of making compensation automatic either, it would be a fun skill aspect to the game if every gun had meaningfully different recoil characteristics and patterns.

I just wanted to point out, full auto recoil is not terrible in very ideal conditions, especially for an "operator". Full auto in actual fighting conditions in the types of engagements people usually have in Tarkov, it's going to go everywhere.

edit: Moving and shooting semi-auto a target that is also moving and shooting is really hard. Trying to do that while blasting each other at full auto is almost hopeless.


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