Reliably Finding systems with undiscovered biological data?

o7 Commanders,

I recently purchased the Odyssey DLC and want to get on the Vista Genomics gravy train but have rarely found planets and bodies that don't have previously discovered organic data. I have been using inara body search and spansh expressway to exomastery to find good systems, and it's been reliable with biological signals on each body, but is there a way to see (in-game tool or otherwise) which bodies have undiscovered from the entire playerbase? Otherwise, any other tips or tools to increase likelihood of finding undiscovered data (similar to Road to Riches for unvisited)? Is the only way to see if it's been discovered by another player is after it's been scanned and statused in the Surface Map at the surface? Just want to avoid planet landing on a planet that's had all their data discovered if I can….

I suppose the only other way would be to just jump 1000 ly outside of the bubble to increase chances, but just curious to see if there were other tools that I may have missed.




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