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Request to CDPR in the next patch – please hotfix broken cards mid month

witcher triss merigold gwint

Of course that balancing is taking time, and the devs are very busy, especially after expansion, but I think that what I am asking is do-able, when a card is released, and after release it is realized that the card overtuned, and degrades the experience for the whole community, give it a massive nerf, to temporarily take it out of the game, and than take the whole time that is needed to find the right numbers for it to be balanced

It's better for the game to temporarily have an underpowered card than an overpowered one

For example – wouldn't the game fared much better, if 10 days after the previous card drop, Aerondight would have been nerfed to something like 13-14 provision, and only a month or 2 later it would be buffed to an acceptable level (like we have now, which is at 10 provisions)? – just take the toxic card out of the game until it can properly be fixed


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