Resource management after ganking

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Warriors Ice

I have a lot of games in dota but I still don’t understand one thing—what to do after gank? Example: you see that your offlane is having a fight under their tower, and u tp and kill one or two heroes, what do you do next? Let’s think that you are storm, and you wasted most of your mana to kill these heroes. After this you have 4 options:
1. Go back to midlane by walking, it will be very long and you will lose a lot of exp, creeps, etc.
2. Go back to base and then tp to mid, basically the same problems as option 1, but you will waste even more time, because tp will probably be still on cd and you will need to wait for it, but after you will have full resources.
3. Stay at lane that you were ganking, maybe try to take tower or kill somebody, but if you don’t take the tower and don’t kill somebody, what is probably is going to happen because enemies know you’re there, you will waste even more recourses then just going mid.
4. Go farm jungle, it’s even worse then other options because you will not get that much exp and gold but you will lose all the mana you have left and you are forced to go base and waste even more time.
It appears that literally any option is bad, so what to do? Gank only using runes and then go back to lane with tp? But what if you can’t take the rune or rune is not haste or invis?
It looks like the most profitable action is just don’t gank and stay mid, you get all the creeps, all the exp, and maybe kill on midlane, but then your team will be angry and say that midlane didn’t gank, and they will be kinda right, because as midlaner you need to gank and help sidelanes. Kinda hard choice here, what do you guys think?


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