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Returning after 4 years – quality of players

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Guides

I now returned to Dota 2 after about 4 years of break because this game was becoming too addictive to me and I am amazed how much the quality of players went up.

I used to be calibrated somewhere around Legend, pretty comfortable there, we sometimes played with friends and were able to do most things decently with micro and macro gameplay.

Now game put me to Guardian or I don't even know it's name but it is two ranks below Legend and honestly? Players there are better than I encountered sometimes in Legend back there. Supports are warding, pulling, smoking, cores are lasthitting decently, going for rosh etc. Of course sometimes you meet people who are oblivious to what is going on and ruin the game but it's not very often.

I know some people won't believe me this and will be saying that players in my rank are shit and that I cannot understand the quality. But let me tell you after watching Dota for 10 years and playing it for around 6 years I think I understand the game pretty well, just cannot execute it that well sometimes. And the quality of players went INSANELY up. Of course there is still big difference between low ranks and high ranks but honestly, I have more enjoyable games in my rank than I used to have in Legends back than. People are cooperating mostly and playing the roles they want (this is absolutely great feature and I am very glad for it).

So just my observation and I think game is in a good state now, although some heroes would need more balancing cough cough Tinker, Lina.


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