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Returning player confused about conduct summary

DOTA 2 Guides

Hi, I played dota2 years ago when it first went into beta and had a lot of fun. Years later I tried to come back to the game and it has been very different. I've been re-learning everything and playing normal games. I wasn't aware however that since I the last time I played a new system was setup where players can report other players simply for being new to the game. I've been following guides and watching videos learning how to play yet even when I had a high elo friend coaching me I was still getting aggressively harassed in game even when I seemed to be performing well. I rarely type at all and never use voice chat, I never abandon matches, and I always play to win. Yet my conduct score is under 3,000 and now queue times take an hour or longer. I really don't understand how my score got so low. the bulk of the games played on my account were during the first few months of release and always with premade friends, and this was all before conduct score was even out.

What can I do to fix this account or am I just screwed, I have a bunch of old skins I bought from beta and if I'm just going to get bullied and reported for being a new non-exceptional play even in normal matches, I can't really see a new account being any better. Is dota just shutting itself off from gaining new players?


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