Weapon/ammo suggestions

I feel like this wipe I have taken a massive jump in terms of pvp. Things I used to never do and fights I used to never win I am now winning and honestly with ease in a lot of cases. I have been enjoying both the p90 and the mutant the most. P90 with 193 rounds and mutant with ps.
Last night I ran into a 3 man with a mutant I had been running for close to 10 raids, killed a ton of people with it high levels and low levels. Ended up killing 2 of them and then the 3rd got me. I had 36 hit count(no scavs shot etc, and no healing in between fights.) I assume they had some t5-t6 armor. And I know If I would have went from thorax to headshots I would have won easily due to positioning and solid point firing on my end. Buuuut it’s sooo sad not finishing out the job knowing if I had bp the fight would have been done and finished easily. Last guy I got 3-4 rounds into his chest before he ultimately shot one bullet straight to my dome.
I’m not here to get criticized of gamer diff/shoulda shot him in the head/sometimes that happens etc .
I genuinely would love to hear what high tier weapons people are using and with what ammo for high end pvp. Not concerned about money, just want it accessible if possible.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/111c3ar/weaponammo_suggestions/

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