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Safe loot has been buffed (more RUB spawns)

Today I've been getting pretty juicy stacks of RUBs in safes – tried all the ones in Dorms 2/3 story and each had way more than before. USD and EUR spawn doesn't seem to be affected, it's just a lot more RUB that I found.

Probably related to the event?

EDIT: I was getting stacks closer to 20-30k instead of the regular 2-3k RUB you find normally. As another person mentioned – cash registers are also buffed, so I guess this applies for any sort of RUB spawns in the game. It feels like a x10 buff, which actually makes a lot of sense, I hope it's permanent and not just for the event.

Additionally, in case anyone has not noticed, Fence buys things at really good prices at the moment. For example, he gives 350k for a bitcoin. I sold all mine for a quick 9 mil profit. Therapist was giving around 240-250k for them before the event.

Other items also have really good buy prices so technically this week might turn out to be more profitable than usually for many players.


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