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Santa Karma Revert?

I’m new to Tarkov (this is my first wipe) and I’ve been really enjoying it. Even with all the BS (from the perspective of a total newbie) I’ve faced like running into landmines and getting sniped by invisible snipers at map borders, and even getting stuck in walls a few times.

However, none of it compares to the absolute design disaster of the karma penalty that killing Santa as a PMC gives you. When I started the game I killed fellow scavs because I didn’t know any better. When I found out about scav rep I looked at mine and saw -0.6. Uh oh.. I started taking vehicle extracts and being friendly as a scav to boost it back up and made it to +0.4!

But then one fateful night on Woods, I was heading towards the zb-14 extract and after running past the wall I was 10 feet away from a scav. I couldn’t identify him as Santa because it was too dark so I popped his head. I loot him and scream out as I realize he was Santa. -1 for me I guess. With the vehicle extracts mostly exhausted that is 100 scav runs to make it back. And I was a PMC.. do I really lose scav rep for that? What am I supposed to do, walk up to every scav and make sure it’s not Santa and let them shotgun me in the face? I tried this on shoreline and saw what I thought was Santa. Nope, it’s a scav boss that one shot me.

Will BSG revert karma lost from killing Santa after this event? It’s very demoralizing losing all that rep from one mistake. What are your thoughts? Is that asking for too much?


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