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Scav hordes online?

I have quests on customs (shocker) and today's raids have seen a distressing amount of scavs.

I don't mean oh my god I saw two scavs in 10 minutes, I mean HORDES.

As in, first raid, I spawn at ruaf, when I go into the construction site after 2 minutes, there's already 3 scavs behind the pocket watch truck and a sniper. I kill them, kill another scav at the factory shack, circle back and kill another one at the pocket watch truck and die to a pmc. This is all in under 7 minutes.

Second raid, I spawn near road to military base, go to gas station, get shot at by a scav I can't see, mark the truck, run, kill a PMC at the buillding next to zb-12, circle back and kill 3 scavs at the military checkpoint, then kill FIVE at old gas station, then kill ANOTHER FIVE at ruaf, and get head,eyes-ed by an ak scav.

So what give? I love it, but I managed to complete operation aquarius 2 in 2 raids, it's ridiculous (in a good way). Did intern press wrong button, or did Nikita do a little trolling?


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