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scav karma ruined scavving for me

I'm a returning player after a year or so of inactivity and I pretty much immediately lost quite a bit of scav karma for killing player scavs before I learned I wasn't supposed to be doing that. My scav has like a 30 min timer now, whenever I go out as scav I don't want to shoot anyone cause I don't want to lose more karma. The chances to regain karma don't come up so often. Most scav runs you won't see pmcs or traitor scavs. When I see people who I think are pmcs I feel like I have to take an extra second to really confirm they are and I often get killed in this moment of hesitation. Then there are the times where player scavs who either don't care about the karma system or, like I was, just don't know about it will just kill you on sight.

I pretty much just recklessly run around clearing the map of ground caches and going for air drops if they come when I scav now. Any tips on how to make scav runs better? Tips on getting more karma? Anyone else feel the same way?


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