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Scav Quests are great…but also not.

I'm glad that we finally have some direction with our scavs outside of just looting and scooting, since it definitely helps newer players and even older players have more objectives to focus on which in turns drives new ways to play that we'd never try before.

But requiring us to kill PMC's with certain weapons on scavs, especially multiple times, is often times just impossible. It completely and entirely relies on the luck of the draw with your scav. If you don't get a pistol/smg scav, you're pretty much SOL. Especially if you actually have a lot of rep, which means you have a higher chance of getting rifles like AK's and Mosins rather than pistols and SMG's.

If we're going to have these quests, they should probably either scale with the scav level or scale with our rep, since currently it's basically impossible to do some of these quests if your rep is too high/too low.

Yes, you can 'find' the weapon in raid, but that's also completely relying on luck to find a weapon that you can even use for the quest. It's just fundamentally relying more on luck more than skill, which for a game like Tarkov, doesn't really fit too well.

…Also like…What the fuck does the game consider to be a melee weapon, my god Fence. A knife is a knife, just fucking take it.


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