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Scavs yoinking loot is a ridiculous mechanic that needs to go

The sheer amount of times that ai scavs have homing beaconed over to bodies that would never have been found normally or just looting them in general is ridiculous, I managed to kill a juicer PMC on lighthouse in one of the warehouses and one of the ai scavs was on the body in less than 10 seconds! I was prepared to head tap him if it wasn't for that PMC's buddy being on the roof right above us prompting the ai scav to not loot the dead body and instead esp aim at him from below.

To my knowledge if a ai scav yoinks your PMC's insured loot you will get it back as they don't extract with it, the only problem with that is that they take it then wander about contested areas almost always getting killed and transport your loot directly to PMC's. I know this because I died hunting shturman next to a random logpile and knew I'd probably get my stuff back, a scav ended up looting my shit then probably got killed and they took it off him, my MP7 was untouched along with my rig and some other items that the scav had items in slot already but my primary gun was gone along with my helmet and backpack, in no scenario is the mp7 not getting folded down and stacked into a bag as a 3×1 item.

No idea why this was even implemented as it has no actual compelling or beneficial mechanic attached to it but is rather incredibly inconveniencing to players that risk everything by going into each raid.


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