This Game is Something Else

This is technically my second wipe, but the first time I've ever made it past level 20. And I can say without a shadow of a doubt…this is the most engaging gaming experience I have ever had.

Notice I didn't say best gaming experience. Because quite frankly it isn't. There are so many issues Tarkov really has to tackle. Simple things that still somehow are unfixed. That prevents it from being the best.

And yet I keep coming back to this game. It struck me this evening playing with my brother. We've done countless raids together. Across all of the maps. So why am I not bored yet?

Maybe its just because we killed a player with an AXMC rifle. Or maybe its because I'm playing at a level that is far beyond where I was even just a months ago. But every time we go into a raid, I am 100% focused on it being my best raid yet.

The devs at BSG have a long way to go to make this game something truly great. But they're off to a good start. I'm a believer in this game now. Feel free to tell me I'm huffing copium. Or that I'll be a jaded player soon just like the rest of the chads.

But for now, I'm excited to see what Tarkov brings us next. See y'all around the Norvinsk region. And hopefully navigating the streets of Tarkov very, very soon.


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