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SEA Server experiences (Nightmare or Dota community just toxic)

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Warriors Ice

Since this TI will happen at SEA server, just a curiosity did some minor research and opinion in this region. Majority rant about SEA server is a nightmare, toxic, trash talk, individual skill better then other region but no team work, tilt you the whole game even you mute the players etc…

From my past experience i found out SEA server usually fall under these pattern of game play
1)Enjoy clash a lot, no matter what the cause. If the war win (like wipe out 4 out of 5 enemy) they seldom use these mini advantage to snow ball the game instead go back to farmer mode

2)Enjoy farmville throughout the game until the core/supp player got full slot item then only go for do or die game. (which mean the super late game)

3) The mini rpg game where every player have their own sweet time and seldom coordinate. This cause (GENUINE) pos 4/5 player quite frustrating because is hard for them to set up gank or not sure what to do to help the core, only thing can do stack nc/baby sit

5)Majority of SEA player like to play carry/mid and seldom want to play supp even high/low rank game therefore the 5 man carries strat meme always happen even play as supp the line up and play style also quite greedy

6)If happen something like mistake from other player or trash talk felt offended other player, they will just do something make your team suffer Eg: Always solo and die repeat till end game, Jungle till the game lose or go feed all the time. (Quite easy to tilt sea player)

7)The toxic trash talk and mic abuse………… pftt

Last) MID or FEED, that's it

I thought maybe im shit player that's why met some shitty game play but after saw these video from streamer or pro player who's in SEA server (previously) seems like none of them enjoy the pubs at all and here's some source

Conclusion: I am still enjoy and like to play the game. But playing in this region really a mental torture instead having fun. I thought that moba game should work more together, rather than play like greedy selfish pricks but SEA is another way around. Whoever have different opinion i open to hear other feed back.

TI 11 go OG and let me present SEA national anthem (just kidding SEA player should understand the meaning of this Song)


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