Selling my whole stash?

I've been looking at how much my stash is worth and got to thinking why not sell my whole stash, get the 20mil roubles it's worth and go on my merry way. Now I know there are some items that I could sell on the market and probably come out with way more than just 20mil which in that case I would most definitely do, gotta get ever penny I can. Now I know 20mil isn't a metric shit ton of money to some of you out there in the world of tarkov (mainly talking to them rats) but to me it sounds appealing. I'm not a horrible player, I get kills and extract quiet a bit but Ive roughly stayed around 5mil roubles this wipe. This is mainly due to me going in kitted (me being a Chad) often and of course not always making it out with that gear. Again I'm no Keanu Reeves of tarkov but I'm definitely no Caboose ( Red vs Blue reference). So I was wondering if anyone else has just randomly thought hey why not sell my whole stash and just continue normal business?


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