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Silencer isn’t a problem at high MMR or pro games but can we nerf him into the ground anyway? Win or lose this hero makes games miserable

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Yea sure silencer is easy to counter, just buy dispels bla bla.

Here's the thing though, he's braindead easy to play, makes life miserable for opponents and has that tilting intel steal thing that just snowballs a hard game into an impossible game.

Casting spells in Dota is fun, being silenced and having mana issues the whole game not so much

I don't think silencer is uncounterable or OP or anything. It just feels pretty bullshit to play against.

And the intel steal is a strong snowball mechanic that does absolutely nothing when silencer's team is behind, that's generally not healthy game design too (assuming most players prefer close games rather than stomp or get stomped games)

I rather play against actual OP heroes than silencer. Give me bloodstone razor opponent any game, I'd pick that over silencer


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