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Skellige Raid is insanely overpowered, and it’s everywhere.

the witcher and ciri gwent

Rank 0 player here.
Ever since a few patches ago, Skellige has been a dominant faction with prevalence in the meta, month after month… And it feels like the problem has only gotten worse.
Renfri NG with Spotters was undeniably the strongest strategy before, and was the only natural counter to Skellige (apart from the meme-ish trap unitless Scoia'Tael), but now that it has been nerfed to a point where is not as absurd, Skellige has free reign over the meta. And as I said it has only gotten worse with the addition of Tyr, an absurdly overpowered card that plays for 30 points of more almost every single time, without the need for much setup.

With other evolving cards at least the other player can interact with them, before or after the unit hits the board.
A few examples:
– Dagon: Needs to stay on the field 5 turns to get the really good effect, opponent can easily interact with it even if Defender is on the row.

  • Saint Gregory: Needs previous firesworn and almost always want to be played as last card.

  • Danna: Needs to stay on the board for it to have a good impact or be combined with leader.

  • Torres: You need to have another good unit to replay, and let's be honest here, they always kill the Stefan or Vilgefortz, specially SK.

  • Melitele: I literally have seen no one playing her.

The point is, Tyr is overtuned. Yes, it has to be on the field to trigger his ability multiple times, but can also do it on deploy, making it an almost 30 points card on deploy.
And let's not forget the ABSURD first stage deploy ability, that allows you to kill pretty much any boosted (or damaged) unit, playing as a tall removal, on a unit that is already big itself with 9 power and THAT ALSO GETS FUCKING RESILIENCE FOR FUCK SAKE.

Honestly I'm just tired of facing Skellige time and again, over the course of the last months and specially this patch.
What does it take for you CDPR to realize that Skellige current design is unhealthy for the game and not fun to play against.

And dont even get me started with "oh but they have a weak round 1, all you have to do is win r1 and bleed round 2" Because THAT IS NOT A REAL SOLUTION.
Sometimes you have to go 1st and if you bleed round 2 you will most likely go 2 cards down, sometimes you need to go to round 3 and most of the times by round 2 Skellige already has built an insane amount of Raid damage that is pointless to play T2, because they have already reached full power.


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