sniper and drow are not the braindead heroes people make them to be

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I know we all heard the cliché that drow and sniper are easy to play and don't require a lot of skill, mechanically that may be true since you will only right click for most of the time, but on the macro scale of things damn they are exhausting. you need to pay attention to everything going on in the map you can say that about pretty much all carry heroes but for these two one little mistake and you're dead, i often find myself getting ganked more in the jungle playing sniper more than any other hero simply because you're so easy to kill. And in teamfights you will get blinked on and focused a lot so you need to watch your positioning because literally one miss step and you could die.

This may be a random rant from me after a very exhausting 50 min sniper game vs qop and ursa and sk with aghs blink and mirana who all can get on top of you very easily, but come to think about it i think it's accurate.


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