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“So if you have stuff stored at Jameson….” – Salvation Aftermath Speculation

To reiterate, merely amateur speculation here, no hard evidence for anything.
While we don't know what the end result of Salvations weapon firing will be, the most widely accepted guess is that there will be some kind of massive Thargoid counterattack against the bubble. Who knows what form that counterattack might take but it's not a stretch to think there is going to be a massive increase in damaged stations.

Now if I was FDev, I would want the players to really feel the consequences of allowing ourselves to be duped by Salvation. Sure, hitting Sol, Achenar, and Alioth might be a bit of a hit for players who care about immersion/RP (such as myself), but if I was writing it I would hit Jameson Station, arguably the most important station for players in the bubble. Maybe if they really wanted to double down on the peril have it start off as damaged, then run a high difficulty CG to clear goids from Shinrarta Dezhra and if it fails, boom – Jameson gone for good.

Of course this does not take into account the importance of Jameson to The Dark Wheel and what they might able/willing to do to protect it. Frankly I would be surprised if Fdev would be willing to take such a risk on destroying the station, but I just thought it'd be an interesting idea.


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