So many disconnects

gerald witcher3 gwent

Why so many people disconnecting as soon as a match doesn't go their way trying really hard or failing on a hard push. Few other variables people been disconnecting on me but just today there's been a lot during first or 2nd round.

My real question is, are those people who do that are you actually rage quitting and hoping off or you disconnecting to restart the game and start and another match? Curious cause its funny if I've been making that many people rage quit today and I hope that would be the case cause boy what a waste of time it is to sit there while someone disconnects but in reality jokes on them if they are disconnecting instead of forfeiting to find another match cause how much more time are you wasting doing it that way lmao also doesn't prevent you from taking a loss on record so whats the point? Anyone else experiencing a bunch of disconnects as well?


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