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So when is Juggernaut getting the nerfs he deserves?

DOTA 2 Guides

Q gives him free BKB, W gives him a ton of regen, passive crits give him free daedelus and his ult gives him massive damage on multiple targets + free invincibility frames.

In other words, he gets as much free farm as he wants in the early game due to his massive sustainability + damage + quick attack animtion.

His Aghs and Aghs Shards also massively compliment him, giving him a free mini ult (more invincibility frames) and tons of movement speed.

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Meanwhile, carry heroes that could contest his dominance like Faceless Void or Sven have been nerfed into the shitter.

FV's Aghs shard is particularly laughable. Why the hell would you want to de-initiate with that hero? FV jumps in and initiates for a good reason – to catch multiple heroes in his Chronosphere and whail on them for its duration. You don't jump in only to immediately jump back out. It's counterproductive.

As for Sven… balancing him wasn't enough, Icefrog made him completely useless as a carry.

:EDIT: I see now i've triggered a lot of players who rely on the Jug 'crutch' 🙂


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