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Sometimes mates really are dickheads

Mod Skin Dota 2

I had a game that almost gave me a stroke.

Our lineup: Silencer Mid, Earthshaker Offlane, Enchantress and Zeus Support

Went safelane carry with Gyro and had a Zeus Support. Zeus did not pull or stack in early game and called me mentally ill for using rocket barrage. The enemy team had Pudge and Lion who played extremely aggressive and killed me twice.

What happened then? Zeus left lane after calling me ill and Pudge/Lion outfarmed me. Then the Earth Shaker sent Enchantress to support but it was too late. I could not farm in the lane due to low level so I went jungling. That triggered Earthshaker who flamed me for jungling in mid game and not having one core item.

We still managed to win after 60 mins and I looked at this Zeus' stats.

This guy played him for the first time, didn't support at all and stole my farm when I was jungling.
He played Zeus as a Midlaner


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