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*SPOILERS* The 4 logs from the Bright Sentinel and the one from the Heart of Taurus.

Just got done scanning the 3 links at the BS and the single one at the Taurus, here they are…



Transcribing..Excerpt of log 181209-c Kansas, Peter.

It didn't work.

I don't know how I'm still here… my rooms life support is intact but the ship is finished. The Thargoids tore us to pieces when they…

Dammit, I remember hugging Jefferson when the call came through. We'd stopped them, the captain said so. Salvation did it. And the the power went out and… I ran. I knew something bad was gonna happen. Jefferson called after me but I kept running, back to my room. Just made it when the explosions started.

I'm not…

They're picking people up. The bodies. I can see them through the window.

I can't let them take me. Won't let them.

I refuse.



Excerpt of log 172127-a Mulcahy, Gerard

Hey. It's been a while, but I wanted to send you a quick message. Shame you aren't at home.

I know I haven't been in touch. We've just been busy with…well, if you've been watching the news feeds, you know whats going on. I've been in HIP 22460 for a few weeks now, and there hasn't been much downtime. I guess you've heard that excuse before, though, huh?

Listen, I just wanted to say sorry. When this is over – assuming Salvation's plan works – I'll take some time off and come visit. If that is okay with you.

Uh, yeah. I hope you're doing good. Say a prayer for us if you get a chance.


Excerpt of log 101344-h Omeje, Sunday

Having reviewed the reports of the Proteus Site's power systems, I am delighted to see all the results are within parameters. Quite the feat given that this is a unique weapon, never before seen by humanity, which incorporates mechanisms from the alien races.

The Guardian technology is remarkable. SO versatile in application. I believe we have merely scratched the surface of its capability, but further developments will come in time. When the Thargoids have been eradicated.

I had the chance to speak with Salvation. Only briefly, and only to clarify a specific aspect of the Proteus Wave's function. There is a magnetism to the man's demeanor. He is ancient, of course, and wears his years wholly. But Salvation gave me his full attention for perhaps thirty seconds, and I admit to feeling intimidated by his focus.

Then, my question answered, he moved on. Not a moment wasted on pleasantries. Understandable. There is far too much to do, or course.



This is Commodore Halloran

I have just received word that the Proteus Wave weapon has been successfully installed at the Thargoid surface site.

Soon we will initiate the weapons activation sequence. It will take some time, so we need to be wary of any attempt by the Thargoid fleet to interfere with Salvation's plans.

I've confirmed with Galnet officials that every major news feed will carry live footage of the superweapon's activation. We'll share the coming victory with the people we fight for. Every loved one of the millions lost to the Thargoids will witness our revenge in real time.

You all know your duties; we've drilled them a dozen times over. Don't let the waiting audience distract you. Make me proud, okay?

Halloran out.


The time of our victory is almost here. My journey has been long. Too long, I think.

I am likely to be the oldest ever living human. The fortune I have spent on cell regeneration and bionic replacements to keep my physical form intact… well, it would make even a Sirius accountant weep.

Every single credit was worthwhile, though. The investments have allowed me to witness this moment. To be our salvation.

The Thargoids are an ancient race, too blind to realise their time has passed. Over the centuries I have, admittedly, found a grudging respect for them. The creatures are equally intelligent and ruthless.

But the lack the ambition and endless potential of humans. I have given my life to ensuring the crown is finally snatched away from them. We are now the dominant civilization in the galaxy.


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