My name is Enrico Gandolfi and I am a junior faculty at Kent State University (
I have been working on Vitality, Gaming, Health, and Community building. Some of my articles about these topics follow below:
I am posting here for inviting you to participate in a voluntary research study about online gaming, community, and vitality regarding DoTA2 players. My objective is to explore if and how in-game practices are influenced by empathy, social bonding, and toxicity. Participation includes the participation in the following anonymous questionnaire addressing these topics.
It would take 10 minutes of your time.
If you would like additional information about this study, please contact me at egandol1@kent.edu. Thank you for your consideration, and once again, please do not hesitate to send me an email if you are interested in learning more about this Institutional Review Board approved project. I would be happy to share a summary of the results with you all and the subreddit after data analysis.
Stay well and safe!
Enrico Gandolfi
Assistant Professor Kent State University
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/tmbnqu/study_on_vitality_gaming_health_and_community/