I was doing some testing to figure out if I could get a reasonable framerate in various areas. Here are my (rough) averages of framerates in various areas:
In space, away from station: 150-200fps
Approaching Space Station: 90fps
On foot in hangar: 50-70fps (gets lower on approach to elevator)
On foot in station (start): 36-55fps (gets lower when overlooking whole area, and seemingly at other random times)
Near surface of a planet: 60-70fps (stutters often)
Near settlement: 30-50fps
Needless to say I should be getting a higher fps on foot in general. My GPU should be crushing this, and my CPU should be more than enough. What is interesting though is that generally my CPU and GPU usage generally won't go above 70% usage, although GPU usage sometimes goes that high when I'm tabbed out – with little to no change in framerate when I tab back in. I'd expect these to be higher given the stuttering and lower framerates near settlements – but the usage is about the same in space and on foot.
Anyone know why this is, and if theres a hidden thing I haven't done to increase my framerate on foot?
(I've done the deleting graphics file thing, to no avail. I've also reinstalled the gmae multiple times)