Sunset wardener and nilfgaard.

gerald witcher3 gwent

1 year ago i was just memeing with the hyperthin deck wchich was the most badass combo . I was trying it with ciri nova, tactics, portal and it was a lot of fun.
But now those decks are just garbage and the only way is playing sunset wardener wchich makes most of the games similar like 3 games in a row i played Ramon in r 1 and dmt and passed early, defended bleed by playing snowdrop and leader and ended with triss yen and xarthisius to win.
This card is the same cost as oneiromancy and i saw people just netdecking and replacing oneiro with wardener for easy wins. This card is too greedy and makes some unique archetypes like hyperthin and clog boring.
I was thinking how to change it and they need to nerf tactical decision mages combo by nerfing mage assassin's to 5 prov, morvan vorhis to 4 power. And then buff cards that support hyperthin like those 8 prov tactics that noone plays.
This is just my opinion thx for reading all of this.

Also i dont think this card is all evil because it can bring back powercreep decks like i play it with soldiers.


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