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Survey Results: Who is Receiving Overwatch Cases and Why?

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Hi all! I finally got around to putting together the results from the survey I ran last week. The original post about the survey can be found here.
Shoutout to everyone that took the survey! I had over 400 responses. The raw data can be seen here

My original thought was to also look into why some folks receive more Overwatch cases per week to review than others, but that was looking like a much more challenging analysis to complete. Therefore, I took the easy way out and divided the survey results into two bins. One bin is for folks currently receiving cases and one is for folks not receiving cases. “Correlation without causation” seems to be the battle cry of the internet sometimes. I am not 100% confident in any of my findings to be honest. I think Valve takes a lot of things into account when distributing cases for review. There are also always outliers to any survey group (or trolls who like to mess with the results of an anonymous survey). So to that point, there are no extremely obvious answers as to why some folks do not receive Overwatch cases. You can view some pretty plots here if you are interested in the visual breakdown.

Overall, my suggestions for folks that want Overwatch cases are to play ranked games frequently, maintain a high behavior score, spend money on steam (I am not receiving any kickbacks from valve for this advice), and launch dota 2 daily. Obviously if you are playing ranked games, you will receive a ranked medal; it does not seem as though this medal/MMR plays an impact in you receiving cases. Though I’ve personally noticed the cases I receive all seem at or below my rank.

I hope this helps folks that are interested! Let me know if you have any thoughts or want to see some other plots, though I cannot promise the speed at which I will deliver these.


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