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Thank You FDEV

Well, we all know the news. No more console development. It's a sad day, and as an Xbox CMDR I write this with a heavy heart. Amidst the disappointment, I find myself thinking about my time playing this game, and as I do, I have come to a realization.

I still love this game.

For me, the reason why I picked up Elite, and played it until 4 AM night after night, is not because I was grinding ranks or farming mats to get ahead. Not to be prepared for some future expansion.

Rather, I played the game because I genuinely enjoyed the experience it provided.

Most games have something specific they offer, be it a compelling story, satisfying gameplay, or an engaging loot grind. Something that keeps you coming back for more. I would argue that Elite had none of these, or at least nothing special in these regards.

What Elite does provide is a feeling. A sense of adventure, possibility, and wonderment. The understanding that our entire existence is but one small planet in one of 400 billion systems in this vast galaxy. The ability to visit (almost) every one of those systems, with the knowledge that you will be the only person to ever see it.

It's humbling to realize these things, and in all my years of gaming, I've never had a game change how I view the world. How I feel when I look up at the night sky. But this game, this experience, has done that for me.

And for that, I will be forever grateful.

It stings that the great features implemented with Odyssey will never come to consoles. It stings that we've essentially been abandoned, even though it's been somewhat apparent for a while. What stings the most is that we've been patiently waiting for these, only to be let down. But I remind myself that those things aren't why I started playing Elite, and they're not why I fell in love with it.

With all that said, I'm not sure whether I'll keep playing or not. At the end of the day Elite is a game, and it will feel a lot less worthwhile knowing there's nothing else coming. But then again, the feeling I get when trying to comprehend the vastness of the galaxy map doesn't depend on that.

So, in short, I thank FDEV for creating such an impactful experience for me to play. I cherish the times I've had and memories I've made. And although I may never get my Armstrong Moment, my view from the cockpit remains unchanged.

So I ask our PC comrades to raise a glass of Lavian Brandy and remember us consoleers, but then carry forth in our stead. To those who feel defeated, I encourage you to remember why you first picked up this game, and why you stayed. Your first new ship, first kill, first million, first discovered system. And if you decide you just don't see the point in continuing, I understand. But if you do, I'll see you out in the black.


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