Hello guys
First let me clear up things, i play the game every single day with friends, we have fun with the game, but recently we encountered tons of bugs that were not present in previous wipes,or at least werent this common, so i have to went a bit
The game is at a very low point from a technical standpoint
I dont think i saw a game this messed up in a long time
Bugs at every single corner
Invisible Teammates, this is such a unacceptable bug,and its not so rare that it can be ignored, i see it happen from time to time, my team would appear frozen in place while they move,etc.. i can see the doors that they open/close but not them for example ,etc…
Sound. For a game where sound is so important this is the stupidest implementation i seen in a very long time, and i am not saying it purely because of bugs, but how sound is handled in general.. People running around and you are in a building? well you might hear them ,you might not, if you make 1 step outside to open area you magically hear everything, but 1 step inside a house suddenly turns the world silent, the sound design is terrible IMO for a game that relies on it so much.. All the invisible barriers blocking sound as soon as you enter them like its some magic circle. Then there are the bugs, i had multiple times experienced shots not making sounds, even when i shoot sometimes i can't hear my own gun, other times we see someone lay down 60 shoots in a building and all we get from it is the muzzle flashes and no sound
Crashes. Man does this game crash at every corner.. I play other games, i am keeping my pc as clean and up to date as you could,but this game just keeps crashing for no apparent reason, it doesnt matter what i do ingame,it can occur in the menu, or ingame, it can happen randomly , before anyone ask, my pc is as stable as it can get, all pc stress tests/benchs can last a day with no problem, other games dont crash…
Optimization/loading time is a mess. The game optimization is rather bad, i can run all games maxed out or nearly maxed out 60+fps, but this game frequently dips way below, even on lower settings, the game is just badly optimized.. Then there are the loading times, the game is installed on a nvme m.2 drive yet i could start cod:mw and start a warzone match before this game finishes loading maps(for reference).. Unless a game has a massive open world it will load way faster than EFT
Cheaters, recently it seems there are more of them, while i cant be sure about aimbots and wall hacks, people that are speed hacking and "teleporting" are more common than they were before
There are a lot of stuff that make this game fun, the concept is great, the gameplay is fun, but there are just so many issues with the game atm, yes it's in a beta, but its been in beta for a long time,and nowadays every publisher uses the beta mark to protect themselves from stuff like this.. The game should been in a way more polished state this "deep" in development.
And this is my biggest gripe with the developers, they could have such an amazing game,yet instead of fixing basic problems like these they are focusing on other things,that while add to the game dont fix the huge problems with it
End of my rant, there are tons of stuff that i didnt mention but i think my biggest problems are here for now
Sorry for my english
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/htq4qn/the_game_is_a_technical_mess/