The new Trailer is amazing, BUT:

So, the new trailer for the patch just dropped, which is awesome. The map looks great (I can hear my computer crying already), the under barrel GL's are going to make me rage, the AUG is finally in which besides the G36 is my favorite gun, and seems like we actually got Lightkeeper.


But where is the fucking date?

This is a trend that BSG has that is really starting to get under my skin. We already know that wipe is soon. At most it is two or three days away, due to the Twitch Event that'll be happening. It doesn't make sense for a Twitch Event to happen at the end of a wipe, as everyone has everything. So the signs are very obvious.

You don't have any reason to not just give us a date. Let people plan their days out to take time off work, set aside plans, actually enjoy the damn first day of wipe.

Seriously. A majority of us have jobs, friends, family, plans. You can at the very least give us a 2-3 day heads up on when the wipe is.


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