The ONE thing this game desperately needs

I know there's a lot coming for this games future and I still love the game, but can't work up the will to play very much. The only reason I reconsider opening up the game is because I know how much of my time will inevitably be wasted. This game is incomparable to almost every game out there, it truly is one of a kind.

However, the amount of time unwillingly spent outside of raid is FAR too much. I log into BSG launcher, load up my stash and grab a kit. I load into raid to run around looting for 15 minutes and CRACK! I'm dead. head, ears from who knows where. I am now tasked with spending the next 10-30 minutes building another kit, moving around my stash and sitting with ADHD brain while I find another raid for 5-10 minutes. This game needs optimizations to be able to play the game more.

If you're having a bad day you can easily spend more than half the playtime of the game in stash and menus. Now, I don't think any game comes close to replicating what tarkov has to offer. Games like The Cycle: Frontier pale in comparison in every way except for one. If I die I can almost instantly get into another game.

Literally anything to decrease the time spent outside of raid would be so good for the game. The only reason I'm afraid to peak players and put my life at risk isn't because i'll lose the one slick I have on. It's because I know I'll spend the next 20 plus minutes trying to find another fight and half that time will be spent not even actually playing the game. The entire time I'm building a new kit I'm thinking about how much time I spend on tarkov just trying to play the game.


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