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The Pleiades needs your help since the Odyssey update

Hi Everyone. I'll be blunt, we need your help. The Anti-Xeno community and Background Simulation Community need your help. We the fellow players who call the Pleiades home need your help. Anyone who makes their main playground in systems where there are Thargoids, you may have noticed some of this and it will have an effect on you to some degree.

What is happening: Certain Non-Human Signal Sources aren't spawning the correct Thargoids. The higher tier, higher challenge Thargoids that AX Pilots are looking for simply aren't working. So in order to fight the really challenging Thargoids the AX fighters are going to known damaged megaships in the Pleiades to find and kill the Death Daisies.

So What? When going into a damaged megaship instance to kill the battle bugs it starts a mission for the system owner to perform a task. Not doing that task then causes a mission failure and that completely tanks the influence for the system owner. So much so that no matter how much positive action the player group performs can counteract the negative effects for popular systems. Systems owned by the very same faction that are dedicated to killing the Thargoids are hurt by the action of killing the Thargoids at these MegaShip Instances. Factions that win every war for control of the system they have are losing control due to this over represented negative pressure. Factions that are trying to enjoy the Background Simulation and be good neighbors are caught up in a situation that cannot be remedied.

How Can You Help? The Non-Human Signal Sources NEED immediate repair. Head to the Issue Tracker and please upvote these issues:

I want to see every pilot play the game they love the way they see fit. This situation just creates a massively unstable situation for another aspect of gameplay that should be completely unrelated. Thank you for taking the time to read and for your help.


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