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The problem with Geralt’s swords and variability

Yennefer's Journey

I have been quite angry about this for a long time so I have decided to make a little post to vent if nothing else. I am deeply disappointed with Geralts cosmetic items (except auras and actual "costume" skins). How can a character like Geralt who is a poster boy for the entire series have such a bad quality swords as cosmetics? His first achievable cosmetic swords look horrendous and do not fit any of his outfits color palette and just don't look good, but that's okay as they are at least SWORDS. I cant really express how bad the others swords are. Why do we have arguably the best steel sword (IRIS) paired with some hammer? It just doesn't make any sense at all. I would love to play with the iris as I really loved it from the games and it looks even better in Gwent to me. Its such a missed opportunity to give him aerondight paired with iris, or any other "famous" silver sword from the games – or any other SWORD at this point. I can get the frying pan one being a meme cosmetic, but again its a cosmetic that has no swords and has a hammer. Why? Doesn't Geralt deserve to have actually swords?

Its kinda bland and boring to play only with the sword from Netflix series on my Geralt all the time as all others are visually "unimmersive". And the head pieces are the same story, bunch of headpieces (which I do not have a problem with visually, they are cool) but the fact that you cant choose hairstyle with different masks is also not "fun", when the better ones are with short haired Geralt (and everybody knows short haired Geralt is a crime). And this leads to professor glasses which are a staple for anyone playing HoS DLC they look cool and memey but with the ears they look plain stupid. Just make it a separate item you can equip (only ears, only glasses, both…)

TLDR: Geralts cosmetics especially swords (hammers) are unimmersive and plain stupid and there should be separate slots for silver/steel swords so you can play iris with something different than a hammer or be a meme lord and play with two hammers.


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