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The Thargoids are amazing (and terrifying)

So I can clearly recall looking on over my grandad’s shoulder as he blasted his way through the original Elite Thargoid mission on my save (I was about 7 so no way I was handling that on my own) and I have always been fascinated by them.

Was a little bit sad they were mostly missing from Frontier (and didn’t play FFE) and it was all the talk of the rogue signals on this subreddit that got me to finally start playing ED.

Last night I was heading back from Maia with some Meta-Alloys for the engineer when I got hyperindicted by them three times in a row.

The first time crashed my game (the ultimate weapon) the second time I caught a glimpse of them ‘doing something’ and just bolted out of there… the third I actually stuck around for a bit just watching them ‘chilling’.

I don’t think I have been caught so terrified and mystified and enthralled in a game since I was a kid… and I just wanted to take a moment and show my appreciation to the devs for crafting a really amazing experience.


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