Thermal Shock Experimental why isn’t it used more?

Hello! Newer cmdr here. I slapped Thermal Shock on an MC on my FDL just to see what it did. Now I can’t bring myself to leave it out of any of my combat builds for farming massacre stacks as fast as possible. I searched for it on this sub and was only able to find posts talking about how it had no effect on NPC, or that it had been nerfed into uselessness years ago etc etc.

I can’t figure out where all the hate comes from. I did notice most people commenting on having tried it with lasers. Is it applied per hit? Maybe that’s why MC’s are so effective? Just trying to figure out the disconnect I’m seeing with others not using it.

My experience with it. In the last 2 billion farmed in Hazrez, I have yet to have an NPC ship joust me, boost more than once, and typically they fail to even return fire. I don’t even bother pipping thrusters over 2, or positioning myself before engaging since they just immediately engage their heat vents and either flounder around or limp toward you in a boostless joust attempt countered by reverse thrusters and unload until they pop. Rinse repeat.


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