These social aspects of our beloved game needs to change. It is bullying (I think)

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So I have been playing Dota for some time now have about 3000+ hours. These days coz I don’t have much time I log in from time to time and only play AD. This happened to me today and this upset me very much, the reason I don’t know why.

Match ID: 5857392549

Long story short draft phase haskar picks marksmanship when he had the opportunity and builds around it. Drow and gyro on my team are visibly upset cause of this.

Fast forward to match starting haskar types in chat something along the lines of; I’m sorry about the marksmanship pick, and that he was playing to take his mind off because his girlfriend broke up with him and to take his mind off, and that he didn’t mean to upset by picking marksmanship. I thought okay no worries it’s just a game. I say well if that’s true sorry to hear that haskar and move on.

Drow and gyro still had a chip on their shoulder and continued to berate haskar a bit more calling him a noob in all chat. Mind you this is ability draft. Not ranked. Not un ranked casual. But ability draft.

Ultimately haskar thinking to avoid conflict I believed, offered to leave and abandoned the match. I think this is more than anything else shook me. This is the first time I ever experienced someone abandon a match coz of what’s essentially bullying.

This needs to stop.

Some people play games to be competitive. Some people play games to take the stress off.
Some people play games to forget.

At the end of the day its definitely JUST A GAME.

Please be mindful when u play, especially unranked AD turbo and custom games that some people play games just to forget. Some people play to get while going through mental hardships to forget.

This community can be better. This community needs to be better.

Please be mindful when u play.

PS: if u read this Haskar I hope u the best man.

PPS: These are some screen shots from my convo with a player of the other team after the match. NSFW language.

PPPS: Valve, I can’t report these guys for comm abuse coz I believe the match was abandoned. Need to change this. Also please please record team chat on replays


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