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Things you found before a gas analyzer this wipe

Since gas. an. are appearently the most rare item in the game now (just second to finding the 2nd flash drive for Skier), might aswell meme it.

What are the items that are normally considered rare you found before finding a gas analyzer?

For me it is:

  • GPU
  • AESA
  • Tetriz
  • OFZ shell
  • all 4 car batteries for the later therapist quest (also all of the spark plugs)
  • 1 flash drive
  • lapua magnum AP
  • labs keycards
  • tank battery (didn't actually even try to extract that one though)
  • FireKlean, Firesteel (which 2 wipes ago took me a week of searching when I needed it for kappa), shroud mask, pestily mask, Lvndmark rat poison, loot lord… actually basically every kappa item asides evasion Armband

And the list is being expanded, since I have not seen any gas an, at all, and neither have any of my friends.

Looted ~800 filing cabinet drawers today ( a good reserve raid is ~110 of them), spammed factory because I got a pumping station key for now almost 30 tries, and checked interchange and shoreline multiple times…


One comment

  • David 14.12.2021 in 13:35

    Red key card

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