Think I may have accidentally built a smuggler ship.

I knew that everyone would want to know how I did it so here is the loadout. See pics.
This kind of a Frankenstein build. I bought Nemo looking to ferry some people and make money enough to buy an alliance chieftain. My Cobra mk3 had become, let's just say.. ineffective at killing pirates. If you check some of my other posts, you'll see that I accidentally picked up a "wanted passenger" in said cobra and had gotten blown up, arrested, and locked up in a prison so far away from my home base I was unable to get back home.
Well after that I actually worked long enough and hard enough to get back and bought the dolphin.

I equiped it with all the best stuff I had on my Cobra, including the FSD that got me home and the massive fuel scoop. And I did a bunch of ferry runs for cash. I even sacrificed the shield generator for more passenger space. I mean I'm running in solo on an Xbox, I can evade the NPCs lol. I bought the composite materials to extend my range and the hull reinforcements so that I could fuel scoop effectively while transporting said "travellers"

So one evening I auto launch from a base and I have to pee. I let it auto launch and I speed up to 75kph and just let Nemo fly. I go piss, come back, spin around to my jump circle power up the FSD and speed up and jump.. no big deal right? Wrong! At no point while I was 15 feet away pissing did it say "scan detected"

So I started testing it. I jumped to another star system and picked a random dock. I sped up to 75kph after dropping out of FSD and waited until 7.4k. I requested docking and then stopped so the docking computer would take over. I was never scanned. I landed, and by luck, the base sold heatsinks, so I equiped one and bound it to LB+RB. An unused combo on Xbox. I used auto launch, and one it stopped I accelerated to 75kph and flew in a straight line until the station cleard me. I came to a full stop and charged my FSD. I aligned and sped up…no scans…

I tested it again by transporting a passenger that did not like to be scanned. Worked like a dream. Not one single scan.

So to me it became standard procedure. Warp in, accelerate to less than 99kph I like 75, just because 75% is the way😁, request docking at 7.4 to 6.8, and just enjoy the ride.

When you launch, speed up to 75 and just cruise until the station clears you, come to a stop, align with the warp target, charge the FSD and throttle up.

On two occasions I've had to launch a heatsink after discovery of this frankenbuild turned smuggler ship. Once was because my destination was back towards the station and I moved back into the no speeding zone while charging the FSD.

The other was after taking a wanted tourist on a sightseeing trip. Now mind you I actually stopped and picked up his item X from station Y with no scans.. as I was docking at the home base to collect my 2mil credits, using the docking computer it launched a scan. I dropped a heatsink, landed and got my "um yuk" (the noise the on board computer makes when you get an upgrade in status with a faction or when you fail a mission)

Um yuk.. incoming

TLDR.. I may have accidentally figured out how to do illegal shit in this game, but not have to get blown up in 3 easy steps.
1) power down weapons and shields before dropping out of FSD.
2) don't speed. Fly straight away from the station until it clears you, then come to a full stop, spin around to line up, charge FSD, then accelerate to engage
3) in the event you are scanned, drop a heatsink, which seems to be rare.


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