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This event is really highlighting just how badly most late-wipe players get gear-carried

Its absolutely ridiculous. I’ve gone from dying every raid to suddenly being able to kill juiced chads with little to no effort. Its not like I have any kind of unfair advantage, I’m only running mid tier AK’s and SKS’s. By all means, they should 100% have the advantage over me.

But, its somehow not even a challenge. These boys are just running down hallways, not checking corners, and overall being a bunch of idiots doing things that should always get them killed. Once you come to the realization that they always play like this, it becomes clear that they’ve just been relying on their gear to keep them alive this whole time. They don class 6 armor and a meta RD-704 and suddenly become unkillable to 90% of the playerbase.

Now that the advantage they had is gone, none of them seem to be capable of adapting. They just… keep dying. Keep making the same mistakes over and over and over. Its almost sad to watch.

Basically, what I’m trying to say is that the gear in this game needs a rework. This event has made that fact much more clear.


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