This game confuses me

Id say 90% of the time this game “adds” something it baffles my mind. So they take away a good majority of sellable items you can put on the market like gear and weapons, alright thats fine I get it they just want us to use traders. As per usual people grind quests to level up traders (which makes total sense) so they can buy gear from traders. The problem is that probably half of the time, the traders still suck. Unless an item is completely trader locked I feel like you can find it on then market cheaper unless its for a gunsmith quest. I get locking some ammos but like 545×39 is hard to come by even at max traders. Theres a trade for 30bs rounds but other than that unless I get lucky as shit and drop killa im using these awesome AK’s with BT ammo. Now they tell me that once I grind these typically bullshit quest to level these traders I actually have to pay MORE money to insure my already expensive as shit load-outs. So I have all my traders maxed now just to spend 200k on guns with no attachments and pay triple for insurance? Awesome


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