When you look back at what made this game fun, was it the crouching in bushes and camping for 20 minutes making no noise then killing then because you’re “tactical” ?
No, it was the insane pvp fights, the long drawn and fast paced action that was consistent. You would tap into any streamers game play and they would be brawling it out with 7 other people on Labs around Green room just to get the 1 LedX.
This game doesn’t reward you for killing players, no one plays Labs or PvPs on ANY MAP. BSG just want us to load into the raid with awful gear, walk around and play off sound queues since our attention skill is maxed, then scope in with our Razor and BP bullets on our RD or Mutant. And extract with the dog water loot not being able to pick up anything else since we will be too overweight and can’t sell it on the flea anyways.
I miss loading into labs with my friends knowing that there would be 7-8 other players in the raid reay for the brawl out of our lives.
I haven’t played in a while but every time I see a streamer play this game they complain about how they don’t find anyone in hours of playing. No it’s not just end of wipe, the game is simply dead.
All good tho because Nikita will be buying a new car and weapon mods to show on his instagram soon. 150 dollar game btw
p.s if you play this game for 2 hours a week don’t comment on this thread go take care of ur children
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/z2sddv/this_game_is_dying/