After Worlds 2022 this TI felt really subpar

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Guides

I wantched worlds 2022 yesterday and I was kinda sad, why can't dota have an epic tournament like this? I'd imagine Riot is under the same restrictions as Valve when it comes to organizing a tournament during (post?) COVID times, but clearly there is an enormous gap and it's only gotten bigger, and I am a little concerned for dota. With these last 2 TIs I just didn't feel the same hype and excitement as for the previous ones, I thought that was just because of COVID and everything but then you see probably the best LoL Worlds opening ceremony yet and think to yourself, why can't valve/PGL do at least 30% of that. I don't need like 10 artists performing on stage or an anthem by Lil Nas X, but something would have been cool

And even if you dislike LoL, give the opening ceremony a shot. I was legitimately blown away and extremely hyped for the final, even though that's about the only LoL game I watched all year, I was still more hyped than for Tundra vs Secret, partly because they did great storytelling before the match. In comparison dota just felt meh, it felt like comparing a super smash bros tournament to the NFL.

Edit: since a lot of people seemingly struggly to catch my point. I am not saying LoL Gameplay > Dota Gameplay, but LoL Production Quality >>>> TI Production Quality. And with the battlepass were kinda paying for the event, so I'd like a good event please and thank you.


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