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this game’s really cool but…

I feel like it's being developed and or progressing way too slowly. This is only my third wipe so I'm still kind of new compared to other people but from what I've seen over my time with the game I don't have a lot of confidence with its future.

Progression seems to have stayed the same do the same quests level up the same traders get the same new gear. Level up The hideout which is basically been unchanged since I started and I'm sure much longer before that

Quest seem to have all basically stayed the same. I guess now we have daily quests which are pretty abysmal in their first iteration if you ask me

One new map runs like garbage probably going to take forever until it's playable and that brings me too

Performance. Abysmal. And it's a first person shooter game too like performance should be one of the top priorities.

Has this game gotten any real big content additions besides like a gun here there and a map? Where's the questing overall? The trader overhaul? The UI overhaul?

The AI is just not good. We've seen all the posts about it we've all fought them we all know what it's like. Raiders especially are the worst you're just cheesing gaps in their programming.

Let's not forget the stuff they do change is broken and takes the community the entire wipe to figure out how the hell it's actually working half the time. Like recoil this wipe. Turns out the recoil stats on guns are completely arbitrary and mean nothing.

They always add end of wipe events and it's always just the same braindead copy paste a boss spawn into a new location. Zero effort put into these.
I guess cool Nikita you can put a boss on in a new location we've seen this several times already how about you like make a quest or you know throughout the wipe the boss to spawn in weird locations why is it always at the end.
Let's not forget about what they did to killa. They took arguably one of the best maps with the most iconic bosses and completely turned how it plays upside down on its head for no reason. That map was so dynamic and so much fun and so active in the previous wipes now it's just a husk filled with rats and now ai controlled rat that also hides in the shadows and one shots you.

It's really sad to see because this game has so much potential but it's moving along so slowly and in such random directions.

My first 2000 hours in tarkov were amazing I will admit. But I feel like it's potential is being squandered and it's moving along way too slowly in it's development cycle.

I would really like to see heavier emphasis on performance and on releasing new content and overhauling the current things like quests and traders and progression.

The only excuse I could see for this lack of development is if they were legitimately recoding the whole game to switch engines to try to fix the desync issues that they have had for a long time. But inertia seems to have taken the edge off of that issue so I can't imagine they're working on it much anymore.

As of now tarkov seems like it's just going to be that game I play for a month or two every time it wipes and then put it down. There is no end game… the progression is stale and once you've done it four five six seven times I imagine it gets very boring. I really wish a competitor for this game would come out because one of the big things that has going for it is the fact that there's no other game like it.

What's really going on is Nikita and the boys had no idea their game would be such a success. Now they are rich and basically don't give a s*** about the game anymore they just want to add enough to keep people coming back maybe get a new $100 here and there while they laugh their way to the bank.

When you compare it to a game like path of exile who gets massive content updates like twice a year it's really hard to understand why BSG is so slow to do anything in this game.

What do you guys think? Is the development cycle moving along quickly enough for you all? Do you think they will ever actually release the game with how slowly they're going?


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