Unpopular opinion: the two-digit WN8 scale is better than the traditional four-digit WN8 scale

Reason 1: It's more reflective of a player's skill. For example, a "60" WN8 is actually 1937, a "80" is 2782, a "100" is 4583, and a "40" is 1283. It roughly linearly corresponds to the skill level. However, if we use the four-digit scale, it becomes non-linear: the difference between 3500 and 4500 is smaller than that between 500 and 1500.

Reason 2: It helps people become less arrogant. For example my overall WN8 is 1901 and recent is 2303, and I'm pulling off a 3154 wn8 in my IS-7 recently (but other tank WN8 significantly decreased even to yellow because I got used to IS-7 play and overextend and die early in other less armored tanks). When I check my WN8 and see blue and purple I think I'm a good player (I'm NOT!!). However, with the two-digit scale they'd be 58, 69 and 86 respectively. Which means I'm still overall a failing-grade player, while recently I have known the bare basics to "pass" aka above 60, and in IS-7 specifically I'm something like a B+.

Reason 3: It helps me worry less about stats. With the four digit scale a 2000 looks way, way better than 1800 so that I worry about every minute change of my overall WN8 to push it to the "2". However with the two-digit scale it's just 61 and 56. Barely passing vs barely failing, no significant difference.

Reason 4: The two digit scale and a "grading system" is more scientific than the over inflated 10-color WN8 scale. Recent WN8 scale based on two-digit:

0~1598: 0~49, F, fail. You don't know the basics of the game.

1599~1936: 50~59, E, conditional fail. You're still a failing player who don't know basics but in some types of tanks you might be above the passing line. Or you're just grinding some stock tanks, otherwise you would be passing.

1937~2324: 60~69, D, pass. You know the basics of the game but still make tons of mistakes and either be too aggressive or two passive. Also you tend to always "bet on one side of the coin", lacking flexibility. (I'm here)

2325~2781: 70~79, C, satisfactory. You generally know how to play this game and make fewer mistakes. You're a "standard" WoT player at this stage (almost here!)

2782~3380: 80~89, B, good. This is "good". Can't even dream of this stage unless I play IS-7 all the time or seal club in lower (<=7) tiers with food and 4+ skill crew

3381~, 90~100, A, excellent. No explanation needed, this is simply another level.

However, the 10-color, 4-digit scale max out at 2400 above which it's all purple, only different shades. In reality 2400 is only a "C".

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/17stemv/unpopular_opinion_the_twodigit_wn8_scale_is/

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