Bounty needs help, and part of the problem is difficulty damaging units with Bounty on them IMO. The main source is Witch Hunter Executioner, which is very fragile, with Freak Show or an awkward Tunnel Drill as a secondary source. Damage crimes work in a pinch but usually you want them for removal, and waiting a turn to put a bounty on something is risky and a bit awkward; unless you have Menge on the board, but he has been powercrept and frequently doesn't stick around for long.
I was thinking that a new keyword, let's call it Wanted for now, could help out the archetype. Basically it's Conspiracy, but for Bounty instead of Spying. Here are some applications:
Salamandra Assassin
Give the Order Wanted: do 3 damage instead
Bounty Hunter
4p, 2 power
Deploy: damage an enemy by 2
Wanted: damage it by 4 instead
Give the Deploy Wanted: damage an enemy by 6 instead
Sketch Artist
6p, 4 power
Order, Wanted: remove up to 4 boost from an enemy and lock it
Also, I think there should be more support for the archetype, such as
5p, 5 power
Whenever an enemy receives Bounty, gain 2 coins
Fee 1: boost self by 1
As it stands right now Bounty is really 1 dimensional, hopefully in the future it can be a viable and varied archetype.