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Thoughts about Labs | XP Gain there in comparison to Quests

19.564XP is the amount of XP I got for killing 10 Raiders in 10 minutes.

16.000XP is the amount of XP you get for killing 35 Scavs with an AKS under 40m from 4AM to 11AM at Customs. (Quest)

In my opinion, that's not the way we want to go with this game. Those absurd amount of XP gained will probably make people don't do the newly designed quests at all, just skip them & go straight to labs all the time. 115k Roubles for a keycard isn't really that much either, but that's another topic.

I mean, they changed a lot of quests and probably want people to complete them and gaining 1100xp (500xp for kill +600xp for a headshot (which you almost always do) per raider kill is the wrong way in my opinion.


I would love to start a discussion about this topic, because this is something that bothers me kinda heavy. I want to be able to do the quests like you're supposed to without feeling behind and I also don't want the other maps to die again, because of labs. So if anyone would like to share his opinion, I'd appreciate.

P.S.: Not a native speaker, please forgive. Cheeki breeki.


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