Tiny is absolute counter to Slark

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero phantom lancer

TIL, Tiny can screw up Slark right from the start. Laning against a Slark Pos1 as Tiny Pos 4, you can harass him in lane as a tanky melee support, harassing him with tree grab, after hitting lvl 6, you are no longer food for Slark even if caught out of position.

When Slark lands a hit on enemy, he basically takes away a bit of armor and attack speed, due to which his subsequent attacks land harder. Tiny negates these two effects once he hit lvl 6. His armor basically comes from his ult ( which cannot be stolen ) and even if Tiny got hit subsequently 10 times, he doesn’t melt instantly like a conventional support. And basically, high armor items on your tanks helps to negate his damage substantially ( like a Shiva’s guard on Axe ) can make him feel so tanky to jump on a Slark. Tiny lvl 3 Ult got 24 armor😲😲😲 while a support who hits lvl 19 typically has 8-14 armor.

I cannot laugh more when Slark jumps on me only to die.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/17oxb8q/tiny_is_absolute_counter_to_slark/

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