Unpopular Opinion: Remove Insurance

I can see this being pretty unpopular for some but I think Insurance should go or be limited to levels 1-15 (pre flea.) Those who benefit the most from insurance are people who play in squads, who are already at an advantage over solos. If you get in a fight with a squad and lose, you gain no solace knowing that at least those you killed lost their gear as well, even if you are in a squad yourself. The remaining members will go and insurance fraud their buddies’ gear while they get all yours. Removing insurance also creates more thoughtful decisions on looting. Do you keep your current gear? Do you carry your gear and the extra gear and be heavy? Or do you ditch and lose your gear to take the new items? There are not many instances insurance will come back if your squad is completely wiped or if you are solo unless you died in some undiscovered spot, the people who took your gear also die and are undiscovered, or if your gear is trash that no one wants.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/w7xzux/unpopular_opinion_remove_insurance/

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